
The attention module contains all the implementations of self-attention in the library. Details for each one are provided in the API docs but in this page of the documentation we will mention a few concepts that pertain all the implementations.

Queries, keys, values

Most self-attention implementations project the input queries, keys and values to multiple heads before computing the new values as a form of weighted average. Also this weighted average is again passed through a fully connected layer before returned as the output of the attention module.

All those projections are handled by fast_transformers.attention.attention_layer.AttentionLayer which is described below.

Note, that the AttentionLayer accepts an attention implementation as a first argument. This allows us to reuse the code that does the query, key, value and output projections and focus only on implementing efficient attention mechanisms.


fast_transformers.attention.attention_layer.AttentionLayer(attention, d_model, n_heads, d_keys=None, d_values=None)


  • attention: Specific inner attention implementation that just computes a weighted average of values given a similarity of queries and keys.
  • d_model: The input feature dimensionality
  • n_heads: The number of heads for the multi head attention
  • d_keys: The dimensionality of the keys/queries (default: d_model/n_heads)
  • d_values: The dimensionality of the values (default: d_model/n_heads)


The forward() method of all attention implementations accepts the following three masks, as objects that implement the BaseMask interface.

  • attn_mask: This mask encodes the positions of the keys that each query is allowed to attend to. It is simply known as the attention mask. In PyTorch it is referred to as attn_mask or src_mask.
  • query_lengths: This mask, usually a LengthMask, encodes the number of queries in each sample of the batch.
  • key_lengths: Similar to the query_lengths mask, this mask encodes the number of keys and values in each sample of the batch.


The transformer layers that use the attention modules are agnostic of the concept of attention heads. They call the attention with queries, keys and values of the following shape:

Argument Shape
queries (N, L, D)
keys (N, S, D)
values (N, S, M)

In the table above, N denotes the batch size, L denotes the maximum number of queries in a sample, S denotes the maximum number of keys/values in a sample and D, M are the query/key dimensions and value dimensions respectively.

The AttentionLayer, however, projects the arguments to multiple heads and calls the attention implementation with the following shapes, where H denotes the number of heads.

Argument Shape
queries (N, L, H, D)
keys (N, S, H, D)
values (N, S, H, M)


Available Attentions

The following is a list with the available attention implementations. Since this list is not automatically updated we suggest the reader to use the API Docs for an exhaustive list of attention implementations.