
The fast_transformers.transformers module provides the TransformerEncoder and TransformerEncoderLayer classes, as well as their decoder counterparts, that implement a common transformer encoder/decoder similar to the PyTorch API.

However, an important difference is that the TransformerEncoder does not create the TransformerEncoderLayer which allows for injecting a different implementation with minimal code changes. The encoder layer follows the same principle and does not create the attention layer but receives it as an argument which allows for using many different attention implementations with an otherwise identical model.

We also provide recurrent transformer encoders and decoders which are meant to be given each input one at a time for autoregressive inference.

Forward method

TransformerEncoder or TransformerEncoderLayer

forward(x, attn_mask=None, length_mask=None)


  • x: The input features of shape (N, L, E) where N is the batch size, L is the sequence length (padded) and E is d_model passed in the constructor.
  • attn_mask: An implementation of fast_transformers.masking.BaseMask that encodes where each element of x can attend to.
  • length_mask: An implementation of fast_transformers.masking.BaseMask that encodes how many elements each sequence in the batch consists of.

If the masks are not provided they are automatically created as an all ones mask for the attention mask and the size of the tensor for the length mask.

TransformerDecoder or TransformerDecoderLayer

forward(x, memory, x_mask=None, x_length_mask=None, memory_mask=None, memory_length_mask=None)


  • x: The input features of shape (N, L, E) where N is the batch size, L is the sequence length (padded) and E should be the same as the d_model passed in the constructor.
  • memory: The memory features of shape (N, L', E) where N is the batch size, L' is the memory's sequence length (padded) and E should be the same as the d_model.
  • x_mask: An implementation of fast_transformers.masking.BaseMask that encodes where each element of x can attend to in x. Namely the self attention mask.
  • x_length_mask: An implementation of a BaseMask that encodes how many elements each sequence in the batch consists of.
  • memory_mask: An implementation of BaseMask that encodes where each element of x can attend to in the memory. Namely the cross attention mask.
  • memory_length_mask: An implementation of a BaseMask that encodes how many elements each memory sequence in the batch consists of.


Unlike the PyTorch transformer the dimensions of the input are ordered with the batch size first and the sequence second.


fast_transformers.transformers.TransformerEncoder(layers, norm_layer=None)

The TransformerEncoder is simply a container for transformer encoder layers that it receives as a list upon construction. Simply put it is a Sequential that is aware of masking and passes the masks to all the transformer encoder layers.


  • layers: A list of TransformerEncoderLayer instances or other nn.Module instances that implement the same interface
  • norm_layer: A normalization layer to be applied to the final output (default: None which means no normalization)


fast_transformers.transformers.TransformerEncoderLayer(attention, d_model, n_heads, d_ff=None, dropout=0.1, activation='relu')

This transformer encoder layer implements the same encoder layer as PyTorch but is a bit more open for extension by receiving the attention implementation as a constructor argument.


  • attention: The attention implementation to use given as a nn.Module
  • d_model: The input feature dimensionality
  • n_heads: The number of heads for the multi head attention (Note: this parameter is unnecessary and will be removed in the near future)
  • d_ff: The dimensionality of the intermediate features after the attention (default: d_model*4)
  • dropout: The dropout rate to apply to the intermediate features (default: 0.1)
  • activation: Choose which activation to use for the feed forward part of the layer from the set {'relu', 'gelu'} (default: relu)


fast_transformers.transformers.TransformerDecoder(layers, norm_layer=None)

The TransformerDecoder is simply a container for transformer decoder layers. These layers are passed as a list upon construction. Similar to the TransformerEncoder, it is a Sequential that is aware of masking and a second argument memory and properly forwards everything to the TransformerDecoderLayer instances.


  • layers: A list of TransformerDecoderLayer instances or other nn.Module instances that implement the same interface
  • norm_layer: A normalization layer to be applied to the final output (default: None which means no normalization)


fast_transformers.transformers.TransformerDecoderLayer(self_attention, cross_attention, d_model, d_ff=None, dropout=0.1, activation='relu')

Similar to the encoder layer, this layer implements the decoder that PyTorch implements but can be used with any attention implementation because it receives the attention layers as constructor arguments.

  • self_attention: The attention implementation to use for self attention given as a nn.Module
  • cross_attention: The attention implementation to use for cross attention given as a nn.Module
  • d_model: The input feature dimensionality
  • d_ff: The dimensionality of the intermediate features after the attention (default: d_model*4)
  • dropout: The dropout rate to apply to the intermediate features (default: 0.1)
  • activation: Choose which activation to use for the feed forward part of the layer from the set {'relu', 'gelu'} (default: relu)


The TransformerDecoderLayer accepts different attention layers for self attention and cross attention. This allows, for instance, for building transformers with linear self attention and softmax cross attention.