Module fast_transformers.recurrent.attention.self_attention.linear_attention

Implement the causally masked linear attention as a recurrent model.

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# Copyright (c) 2020 Idiap Research Institute,
# Written by Angelos Katharopoulos <>,
# Apoorv Vyas <>

"""Implement the causally masked linear attention as a recurrent model."""

import torch
from torch.nn import Module

from ....attention_registry import RecurrentAttentionRegistry, Optional, Int, \
    Callable, EventDispatcherInstance
from import EventDispatcher
from ....feature_maps import elu_feature_map
from ..._utils import check_state

class RecurrentLinearAttention(Module):
    """Implement fast_transformers.attention.causal_linear_attention as a
    fixed-dimensional state recurrent model.

    See fast_transformers.attention.linear_attention and
    fast_transformers.attention.causal_linear_attention for the general concept
    of replacing the softmax with feature maps.

        feature_map: callable, a callable that applies the feature map to the
                     last dimension of a tensor (default: elu(x)+1)
        eps: float, a small number to ensure the numerical stability of the
             denominator (default: 1e-6)
        event_dispatcher: str or EventDispatcher instance to be used by this
                          module for dispatching events (default: the default
                          global dispatcher)
    def __init__(self, query_dimensions, feature_map=None, eps=1e-6,
        super(RecurrentLinearAttention, self).__init__()
        self.feature_map = (
            feature_map(query_dimensions) if feature_map else
        self.eps = eps
        self.event_dispatcher = EventDispatcher.get(event_dispatcher)

    def forward(self, query, key, value, state=None, memory=None):
        # Normalize state/memory
        state = check_state(state, memory)

        # If this is a new sequence reinitialize the feature map
        if state is None:

        # Apply the feature map to the query and key
        Q = self.feature_map.forward_queries(query)
        K = self.feature_map.forward_keys(key)

        # Extract some shapes
        N, H, D = Q.shape
        _, _, M = value.shape

        # Extract the memory or initialize it
        if state is None:
            Si = query.new_zeros((N, H, D, M))
            Zi = query.new_zeros((N, H, D))
            Si, Zi = state

        # Ensure the batch size did not change
        if len(Si) != N:
            raise ValueError("The batch size changed during iteration")

        # Update the internal state
        # NOTE: The if clause is added due to GitHub PR #10. Simply using the
        # following two lines does not perform the operation in place which
        # means it is slower for inference.
        if K.grad_fn is not None or value.grad_fn is not None:
            Zi = Zi + K
            Si = Si + torch.einsum("nhd,nhm->nhdm", K, value)
            Zi += K
            Si += torch.einsum("nhd,nhm->nhdm", K, value)

        # Compute the output
        Z = 1. / (torch.einsum("nhd,nhd->nh", Q, Zi) + self.eps)
        V = torch.einsum("nhd,nhdm,nh->nhm", Q, Si, Z)

        return V, [Si, Zi]

# Register the attention implementation so that it becomes available in our
# builders
    "linear", RecurrentLinearAttention,
        ("query_dimensions", Int),
        ("feature_map", Optional(Callable)),
        ("event_dispatcher", Optional(EventDispatcherInstance, ""))
    "causal-linear", RecurrentLinearAttention,
        ("query_dimensions", Int),
        ("feature_map", Optional(Callable)),
        ("event_dispatcher", Optional(EventDispatcherInstance, ""))


class RecurrentLinearAttention (query_dimensions, feature_map=None, eps=1e-06, event_dispatcher='')

Implement fast_transformers.attention.causal_linear_attention as a fixed-dimensional state recurrent model.

See fast_transformers.attention.linear_attention and fast_transformers.attention.causal_linear_attention for the general concept of replacing the softmax with feature maps.


feature_map: callable, a callable that applies the feature map to the
             last dimension of a tensor (default: elu(x)+1)
eps: float, a small number to ensure the numerical stability of the
     denominator (default: 1e-6)
event_dispatcher: str or EventDispatcher instance to be used by this
                  module for dispatching events (default: the default
                  global dispatcher)

Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

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class RecurrentLinearAttention(Module):
    """Implement fast_transformers.attention.causal_linear_attention as a
    fixed-dimensional state recurrent model.

    See fast_transformers.attention.linear_attention and
    fast_transformers.attention.causal_linear_attention for the general concept
    of replacing the softmax with feature maps.

        feature_map: callable, a callable that applies the feature map to the
                     last dimension of a tensor (default: elu(x)+1)
        eps: float, a small number to ensure the numerical stability of the
             denominator (default: 1e-6)
        event_dispatcher: str or EventDispatcher instance to be used by this
                          module for dispatching events (default: the default
                          global dispatcher)
    def __init__(self, query_dimensions, feature_map=None, eps=1e-6,
        super(RecurrentLinearAttention, self).__init__()
        self.feature_map = (
            feature_map(query_dimensions) if feature_map else
        self.eps = eps
        self.event_dispatcher = EventDispatcher.get(event_dispatcher)

    def forward(self, query, key, value, state=None, memory=None):
        # Normalize state/memory
        state = check_state(state, memory)

        # If this is a new sequence reinitialize the feature map
        if state is None:

        # Apply the feature map to the query and key
        Q = self.feature_map.forward_queries(query)
        K = self.feature_map.forward_keys(key)

        # Extract some shapes
        N, H, D = Q.shape
        _, _, M = value.shape

        # Extract the memory or initialize it
        if state is None:
            Si = query.new_zeros((N, H, D, M))
            Zi = query.new_zeros((N, H, D))
            Si, Zi = state

        # Ensure the batch size did not change
        if len(Si) != N:
            raise ValueError("The batch size changed during iteration")

        # Update the internal state
        # NOTE: The if clause is added due to GitHub PR #10. Simply using the
        # following two lines does not perform the operation in place which
        # means it is slower for inference.
        if K.grad_fn is not None or value.grad_fn is not None:
            Zi = Zi + K
            Si = Si + torch.einsum("nhd,nhm->nhdm", K, value)
            Zi += K
            Si += torch.einsum("nhd,nhm->nhdm", K, value)

        # Compute the output
        Z = 1. / (torch.einsum("nhd,nhd->nh", Q, Zi) + self.eps)
        V = torch.einsum("nhd,nhdm,nh->nhm", Q, Si, Z)

        return V, [Si, Zi]


  • torch.nn.modules.module.Module


def forward(self, query, key, value, state=None, memory=None)

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

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def forward(self, query, key, value, state=None, memory=None):
    # Normalize state/memory
    state = check_state(state, memory)

    # If this is a new sequence reinitialize the feature map
    if state is None:

    # Apply the feature map to the query and key
    Q = self.feature_map.forward_queries(query)
    K = self.feature_map.forward_keys(key)

    # Extract some shapes
    N, H, D = Q.shape
    _, _, M = value.shape

    # Extract the memory or initialize it
    if state is None:
        Si = query.new_zeros((N, H, D, M))
        Zi = query.new_zeros((N, H, D))
        Si, Zi = state

    # Ensure the batch size did not change
    if len(Si) != N:
        raise ValueError("The batch size changed during iteration")

    # Update the internal state
    # NOTE: The if clause is added due to GitHub PR #10. Simply using the
    # following two lines does not perform the operation in place which
    # means it is slower for inference.
    if K.grad_fn is not None or value.grad_fn is not None:
        Zi = Zi + K
        Si = Si + torch.einsum("nhd,nhm->nhdm", K, value)
        Zi += K
        Si += torch.einsum("nhd,nhm->nhdm", K, value)

    # Compute the output
    Z = 1. / (torch.einsum("nhd,nhd->nh", Q, Zi) + self.eps)
    V = torch.einsum("nhd,nhdm,nh->nhm", Q, Si, Z)

    return V, [Si, Zi]