Module fast_transformers.attention.improved_clustered_causal_attention

Implement improved clustered causal self attention.

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# Copyright (c) 2020 Idiap Research Institute,
# Written by Angelos Katharopoulos <>,
# Apoorv Vyas <>

"""Implement improved clustered causal self attention."""

from math import sqrt

import torch
import torch.autograd
from torch.nn import Dropout, Module
from torch.nn.init import normal_

from ..attention_registry import AttentionRegistry, Optional, Float, Int, \
    Bool, EventDispatcherInstance
from import EventDispatcher
from ..masking import FullMask
from ..aggregate import aggregate, broadcast
from ..clustering.hamming import cluster
from ..hashing import compute_hashes
from ..sparse_product import sparse_dot_product, sparse_weighted_average
from ..sparse_product import clustered_sparse_dot_product, \

class _GroupQueries(torch.autograd.Function):
    def forward(ctx, Q, clusters, counts):
        factors = 1/counts.float()
        q_grouped = aggregate(Q, clusters, factors)
        ctx.save_for_backward(clusters, factors)

        return q_grouped

    def backward(ctx, grad_q_grouped):
        clusters, factors = ctx.saved_tensors
        grad_q = broadcast(grad_q_grouped, clusters, factors)

        return grad_q, None, None

class _BroadcastValues(torch.autograd.Function):
    def forward(ctx, v_grouped, clusters, counts):
        factors = torch.ones_like(counts, dtype=v_grouped.dtype)
        V = broadcast(v_grouped, clusters, factors)
        ctx.save_for_backward(clusters, factors)

        return V

    def backward(ctx, grad_v):
        clusters, factors = ctx.saved_tensors
        grad_v_grouped = aggregate(grad_v, clusters, factors)

        return grad_v_grouped, None, None

class ImprovedClusteredCausalAttention(Module):
    Immproved clustered causal attention approximation by recomputing attention
    for each query with the top-k keys for the corresponding cluster.

    Given the queries, keys, and values as Q, K, and V respectively, we
    first cluster the queries in "C" groups and compute the "C" query centroids

    We now use to the centroids Q_c to identify the top-k keys with highest
    dot products.
    Subsequently, for each query we compute the sparse dot product with
    the corresponding top-k keys to improve the attention approximation.

    Key difference with improved clustered attention is that we only use
    top-k keys with causal mask, we do not compute attention on the 
    bottom-k keys.

        clusters: How many clusters to group the queries into
        iterations: The number of lloyd iterations to perform (default: 10)
        bits: How many bits to use for the hash (default: 32)
        hash_bias: If true, hamming distance proportional to L2 distance
                   If false, hamming distance proportional to cosine distance
                   (default: True)
        topk: Number of top-k keys to for improved approximation (default: 32)
        softmax_temp: The temperature to use for the softmax attention.
                      (default: 1/sqrt(d_keys) where d_keys is computed at
        attention_dropout: The dropout rate to apply to the attention
                           (default: 0.1)
        event_dispatcher: str or EventDispatcher instance to be used by this
                          module for dispatching events (default: the default
                          global dispatcher)
    def __init__(self, clusters, iterations=10, bits=32,
                 hash_bias=True, topk=32, softmax_temp=None,
                 attention_dropout=0.1, event_dispatcher=""):
        super(ImprovedClusteredCausalAttention, self).__init__()
        self.clusters = clusters
        self.iterations = iterations
        self.bits = bits
        self.hash_bias = hash_bias
        self.topk = topk
        self.softmax_temp = softmax_temp
        self.dropout = Dropout(attention_dropout)
        self.event_dispatcher = EventDispatcher.get(event_dispatcher)

    def _create_query_groups(self, Q, query_lengths):
        N, H, L, E = Q.shape

        # Compute the hashes for all the queries
        planes = Q.new_empty((self.bits, E+1))
        if not self.hash_bias:
            planes[:, -1] = 0
        hashes = compute_hashes(Q.view(N*H*L, E), planes).view(N, H, L)

        # Cluster the hashes and return the cluster index per query
        clusters, counts =  cluster(
        return clusters, counts

    def _topk_attention(self, Q, K, V,
                        clusters, counts,
                        topk, topk_values,
        """Return the attention with just the topk heads."""
        # Extract some indices
        N, H, L, E = Q.shape
        _, _, S, _ = K.shape
        _, _, C, k = topk.shape

        # We need to pass the output tensor to initialize to 0
        QK = clustered_sparse_dot_product(
            Q, K, topk,
            clusters, counts,
        # We need to mask the topk dot products if topk > input_length
        QK = QK.masked_fill(
            torch.isinf(topk_values[:,0,0,:]).view(N, 1, 1, k),
        # We need to mask out the future
        assert topk.is_contiguous()
        topk_broadcast = broadcast(
            torch.ones_like(counts, dtype=torch.float32)
        QK = QK.masked_fill(
            topk_broadcast.long() > torch.arange(L, device=QK.device).view(1, 1, L, 1),
        A = torch.softmax(softmax_temp * QK, dim=-1)
        A = self.dropout(A)
        assert A.is_contiguous()
        V_new = clustered_sparse_weighted_average(A, V, topk, clusters)
        return V_new

    def _broadcast_values(self, V, clusters, counts):
        """Broadcast the values back to the correct positions but make sure
        that the gradient flows properly."""
        V_new = _BroadcastValues.apply(V.contiguous(), clusters, counts)
        return V_new

    def forward(self, queries, keys, values, attn_mask, query_lengths,

        # Apply the key padding mask and make sure the attn_mask is a
        # lower triangular causal mask
        if not attn_mask.lower_triangular:
            raise RuntimeError(("ImprovedClusteredCausalAttention only supports full "
                                "lower triangular masks"))
        queries = queries.permute(0,2,1,3).contiguous()
        keys = keys.permute(0,2,1,3).contiguous()
        values = values.permute(0,2,1,3).contiguous()
        N, H, L, E = queries.shape
        softmax_temp = self.softmax_temp or 1./sqrt(E)
        # Cluster the queries into groups
        clusters, counts = self._create_query_groups(queries, query_lengths)
        Q_grouped = _GroupQueries.apply(queries, clusters, counts)
        # Compute the attention
        QK = torch.einsum("nhle,nhse->nhls", Q_grouped, keys)
        QK = QK + key_lengths.additive_matrix[:, None, None, :]
        topk_values, topk = torch.topk(QK, self.topk, sorted=False, dim=-1)
        assert topk.is_contiguous()

        # Compute the attention with only the top keys
        V_topk = self._topk_attention(
            queries, keys, values,
            clusters, counts,
            topk, topk_values,
        V_new = V_topk

        return V_new.permute(0, 2, 1, 3).contiguous()

# Register the attention implementation so that it becomes available in our
# builders
    "improved-causal", ImprovedClusteredCausalAttention,
        ("clusters", Int),
        ("iterations", Optional(Int, 10)),
        ("bits", Optional(Int, 32)),
        ("hash_bias", Optional(Bool, True)),
        ("topk", Optional(Int, 32)),
        ("softmax_temp", Optional(Float)),
        ("attention_dropout", Optional(Float, 0.1)),
        ("event_dispatcher", Optional(EventDispatcherInstance, ""))


def clustered_sparse_dot_product(...)
def clustered_sparse_weighted_average(...)
def sparse_dot_product(...)
def sparse_weighted_average(...)


class ImprovedClusteredCausalAttention (clusters, iterations=10, bits=32, hash_bias=True, topk=32, softmax_temp=None, attention_dropout=0.1, event_dispatcher='')

Immproved clustered causal attention approximation by recomputing attention for each query with the top-k keys for the corresponding cluster.

Given the queries, keys, and values as Q, K, and V respectively, we first cluster the queries in "C" groups and compute the "C" query centroids Q_c.

We now use to the centroids Q_c to identify the top-k keys with highest dot products.

Subsequently, for each query we compute the sparse dot product with the corresponding top-k keys to improve the attention approximation.

Key difference with improved clustered attention is that we only use top-k keys with causal mask, we do not compute attention on the bottom-k keys.


clusters: How many clusters to group the queries into
iterations: The number of lloyd iterations to perform (default: 10)
bits: How many bits to use for the hash (default: 32)
hash_bias: If true, hamming distance proportional to L2 distance
           If false, hamming distance proportional to cosine distance
           (default: True)
topk: Number of top-k keys to for improved approximation (default: 32)
softmax_temp: The temperature to use for the softmax attention.
              (default: 1/sqrt(d_keys) where d_keys is computed at
attention_dropout: The dropout rate to apply to the attention
                   (default: 0.1)
event_dispatcher: str or EventDispatcher instance to be used by this
                  module for dispatching events (default: the default
                  global dispatcher)

Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

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class ImprovedClusteredCausalAttention(Module):
    Immproved clustered causal attention approximation by recomputing attention
    for each query with the top-k keys for the corresponding cluster.

    Given the queries, keys, and values as Q, K, and V respectively, we
    first cluster the queries in "C" groups and compute the "C" query centroids

    We now use to the centroids Q_c to identify the top-k keys with highest
    dot products.
    Subsequently, for each query we compute the sparse dot product with
    the corresponding top-k keys to improve the attention approximation.

    Key difference with improved clustered attention is that we only use
    top-k keys with causal mask, we do not compute attention on the 
    bottom-k keys.

        clusters: How many clusters to group the queries into
        iterations: The number of lloyd iterations to perform (default: 10)
        bits: How many bits to use for the hash (default: 32)
        hash_bias: If true, hamming distance proportional to L2 distance
                   If false, hamming distance proportional to cosine distance
                   (default: True)
        topk: Number of top-k keys to for improved approximation (default: 32)
        softmax_temp: The temperature to use for the softmax attention.
                      (default: 1/sqrt(d_keys) where d_keys is computed at
        attention_dropout: The dropout rate to apply to the attention
                           (default: 0.1)
        event_dispatcher: str or EventDispatcher instance to be used by this
                          module for dispatching events (default: the default
                          global dispatcher)
    def __init__(self, clusters, iterations=10, bits=32,
                 hash_bias=True, topk=32, softmax_temp=None,
                 attention_dropout=0.1, event_dispatcher=""):
        super(ImprovedClusteredCausalAttention, self).__init__()
        self.clusters = clusters
        self.iterations = iterations
        self.bits = bits
        self.hash_bias = hash_bias
        self.topk = topk
        self.softmax_temp = softmax_temp
        self.dropout = Dropout(attention_dropout)
        self.event_dispatcher = EventDispatcher.get(event_dispatcher)

    def _create_query_groups(self, Q, query_lengths):
        N, H, L, E = Q.shape

        # Compute the hashes for all the queries
        planes = Q.new_empty((self.bits, E+1))
        if not self.hash_bias:
            planes[:, -1] = 0
        hashes = compute_hashes(Q.view(N*H*L, E), planes).view(N, H, L)

        # Cluster the hashes and return the cluster index per query
        clusters, counts =  cluster(
        return clusters, counts

    def _topk_attention(self, Q, K, V,
                        clusters, counts,
                        topk, topk_values,
        """Return the attention with just the topk heads."""
        # Extract some indices
        N, H, L, E = Q.shape
        _, _, S, _ = K.shape
        _, _, C, k = topk.shape

        # We need to pass the output tensor to initialize to 0
        QK = clustered_sparse_dot_product(
            Q, K, topk,
            clusters, counts,
        # We need to mask the topk dot products if topk > input_length
        QK = QK.masked_fill(
            torch.isinf(topk_values[:,0,0,:]).view(N, 1, 1, k),
        # We need to mask out the future
        assert topk.is_contiguous()
        topk_broadcast = broadcast(
            torch.ones_like(counts, dtype=torch.float32)
        QK = QK.masked_fill(
            topk_broadcast.long() > torch.arange(L, device=QK.device).view(1, 1, L, 1),
        A = torch.softmax(softmax_temp * QK, dim=-1)
        A = self.dropout(A)
        assert A.is_contiguous()
        V_new = clustered_sparse_weighted_average(A, V, topk, clusters)
        return V_new

    def _broadcast_values(self, V, clusters, counts):
        """Broadcast the values back to the correct positions but make sure
        that the gradient flows properly."""
        V_new = _BroadcastValues.apply(V.contiguous(), clusters, counts)
        return V_new

    def forward(self, queries, keys, values, attn_mask, query_lengths,

        # Apply the key padding mask and make sure the attn_mask is a
        # lower triangular causal mask
        if not attn_mask.lower_triangular:
            raise RuntimeError(("ImprovedClusteredCausalAttention only supports full "
                                "lower triangular masks"))
        queries = queries.permute(0,2,1,3).contiguous()
        keys = keys.permute(0,2,1,3).contiguous()
        values = values.permute(0,2,1,3).contiguous()
        N, H, L, E = queries.shape
        softmax_temp = self.softmax_temp or 1./sqrt(E)
        # Cluster the queries into groups
        clusters, counts = self._create_query_groups(queries, query_lengths)
        Q_grouped = _GroupQueries.apply(queries, clusters, counts)
        # Compute the attention
        QK = torch.einsum("nhle,nhse->nhls", Q_grouped, keys)
        QK = QK + key_lengths.additive_matrix[:, None, None, :]
        topk_values, topk = torch.topk(QK, self.topk, sorted=False, dim=-1)
        assert topk.is_contiguous()

        # Compute the attention with only the top keys
        V_topk = self._topk_attention(
            queries, keys, values,
            clusters, counts,
            topk, topk_values,
        V_new = V_topk

        return V_new.permute(0, 2, 1, 3).contiguous()


  • torch.nn.modules.module.Module


def forward(self, queries, keys, values, attn_mask, query_lengths, key_lengths)

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

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def forward(self, queries, keys, values, attn_mask, query_lengths,

    # Apply the key padding mask and make sure the attn_mask is a
    # lower triangular causal mask
    if not attn_mask.lower_triangular:
        raise RuntimeError(("ImprovedClusteredCausalAttention only supports full "
                            "lower triangular masks"))
    queries = queries.permute(0,2,1,3).contiguous()
    keys = keys.permute(0,2,1,3).contiguous()
    values = values.permute(0,2,1,3).contiguous()
    N, H, L, E = queries.shape
    softmax_temp = self.softmax_temp or 1./sqrt(E)
    # Cluster the queries into groups
    clusters, counts = self._create_query_groups(queries, query_lengths)
    Q_grouped = _GroupQueries.apply(queries, clusters, counts)
    # Compute the attention
    QK = torch.einsum("nhle,nhse->nhls", Q_grouped, keys)
    QK = QK + key_lengths.additive_matrix[:, None, None, :]
    topk_values, topk = torch.topk(QK, self.topk, sorted=False, dim=-1)
    assert topk.is_contiguous()

    # Compute the attention with only the top keys
    V_topk = self._topk_attention(
        queries, keys, values,
        clusters, counts,
        topk, topk_values,
    V_new = V_topk

    return V_new.permute(0, 2, 1, 3).contiguous()